martes, 5 de enero de 2010

Distinguir no es discriminar

El caso del nigeriano que intentó explotar un avión desde dentro, pichón de terrorista que estaba fichado y con advertencias de su propio padre a autoridades estadounidenses sobre su creciente y peligroso fanatismo, ha sido un escache mayúsculo para el gobierno de Obama y en particular para la secretaria de Seguridad Interior, Janet Napolitano que al otro día declaraba que el sistema había estado impecable. La reacción al papelazo ha sido involucrar al Departamento de Estado, que es quien cataloga a otros países de auspiciar el terrorismo o estar en vías de ello. Así las cosas, la revisión masiva y detallada hasta la humillación ha sido determinada para todos los viajeros procedentes de 14 países, entre ellos uno solo de América Latina: Cuba.

La mayoría de los expertos coinciden en que esto no aportará mayor seguridad a los vuelos. En el aeropuerto Ben Gurion (BGA) , en Tel-Aviv están clarísimos. Un funcionario de allí ha dicho que el 90% de los esfuerzos se dirigen a menos del 10% de los pasajeros. Se ahorra dinero, recursos y molestias a la gente normal. En el Ben Gurion los agentes conversan con viajeros elegidos por su perfil, no al azar ni masivamente. Ni siquiera la requisa corporal puede garantizar que un fanático suicida a bordo de una aeronave no provoque una catástrofe. El quid de la cosa es que ningún enajenado de estos se suba al avión. Es irrisorio que se cachee a una abuelita cubana procedente de la isla y se resista tanto a admitir coger el toro por los cuernos. Es decir, dejar a un lado el azar y escrutar a los pasajeros de acuerdo al perfil étnico y religioso.

No seamos avestruces. Los que nos quieren reventar como ciquitraques son fanáticos religiosos que nos consideran “infieles” o “no personas”. Distinguir no es discriminar. Los colombianos son vistos con suspicacia por los agentes antidrogas, los italianos igual por los que persiguen a la mafia. ¿Cómo seguir ignorando que son musulmanes los que se inmolan practicando terrorismo mortal contra occidente? El asunto es de vida o muerte y medidas estridentes, poco inteligentes y muy inefectivas como la de los países de procedencia provocan vergüenza ajena.
To distinguish is not to discriminate

The case of the Nigerian who tried to exploit a plane from within, terrorist's pigeon that was recorded and with warnings of his own father to American authorities on his increasing and dangerous fanaticism, has been a colossal mess for the government of Obama and in particular for the secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano who the day after the incident was declaring that the system had been impeccable. The reaction to this blunder has been to involve the State Department, which is who catalogues to other countries of protecting terrorism or being in routes of it. So, the massive and detailed review, far enough to reach humiliation, has been determined for all travelers from 14 countries, including one of them in Latin America: Cuba.

Most experts agree that this does not bring greater security to flights. At Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv are very clear. An official there has said that 90% of those efforts are directed to less than 10% passengers. You save money, resources and inconvenience to ordinary people. At Ben Gurion, the agents converse with passengers selected for their profile, not random or mass. Not even the corporal inspection can guarantee that a suicidal fanatic aboard an aircraft does not cause a catastrophe. The core of the matter is that no alienated one of these is raised to the plane. It is laughable that is cached to a Cuban Grandma from the island and it refuses to admit so much to take the bull by the horns. That is to say, to leave aside the hazard and to scrutinize the passengers in accordance with the ethnic and religious profile.

Let's not be ostriches. Those who want to burst us like fireworks are religious fanatics who consider us to be “unbelievers “or “no persons”. Distinguishing is not to discriminate. The Colombians are seen with suspicion by the antidrug agents, the Italians equally by those that they chase to the mafia. How to keep on ignoring that it are Moslem those who are immolated practicing mortal terrorism against Occident? The matter is of life or death and strident, slightly intelligent and very ineffective measurements as that of the countries of origin they provoke embarrassment for this administration.

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